20 Secret to Happiness

Godek-godek fail lama..terjumpa 1 kad zaman belajar dulu. Rasanya kad ni tampal kat meja study kot. Meh nak share 20 rahsia untuk gembira... Tapi dalam bahasa omputeh.. sape tak faham, rujuk google translate ye... (*_*)

  1. Return everything you borrow.
  2. Stop blamming other people.
  3. Live within your means & within your seems.
  4. Be humble.
  5. Listen more, talk less.
  6. Everyday...do something nice, and try not to get caught.
  7. Strive for excellent, not perfection.
  8. Be on time.
  9. Don't criticize anyone for 24 hours.
  10. Be kind to other people.
  11. Be even kinder to unkind people.
  12. Take time to be alone.
  13. Admit it when you make mistake.
  14. Understand and accept that life isn't always fair.
  15. Let someone cut ahead of you in line.
  16. Don't argue.
  17. Know when to say something.
  18. Know when to keep your mouth shut.
  19. Don't make excuses.
  20. Don't swear the small stuff.
Coming soon, ulasan lengkap ye. Sila tunggu kalau nak baca :)


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